Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009


Have you ever asked..

Why does Popcorn become so popular at the cinema?

Why does cheese have a lot of holes?

Popcorn was not popular at first time..
coz zaman dulu tuu... candy was the main menu for watching movie at cinema..
ya buat nyemil-nyemil gitu permen top rank lah..

but u have to know that,,
after World War II alias Perang Dunia II, the stock of sugar became less.. makin menipis gitu lahh..
And The owner of cinema had an iniciative to substitute candy to something else..
and the creativity born..

It was just a simple snack with simple ingredients..
So, the result...
POPCORN Become POPULAR till now..

word : POPCORN and POPULAR.. look same yahhh!! Kebetulan aja..

and then.. How about cheese that has so many holes?

Ternyata keju yang berlubang ini ga sekedar bisa dilihat di film kartun aja..
Apalagi kelakuan si Jerry di kartun Tom and Jerry yang slalu mencuri keju..
wkwkkwkwk... pada ngira tu keju bolong-bolong gara-gara digigit tikus..

Swiss Cheese (keju Swiss) has a unique form... Its surface has so many holes..
Oooo.. maybe we can play golf on its hole , hehehe.. just imagine!

Lubang-lubang yang dikenal dengan sebutan "eyes" ini terjadi secara alami dalam pembuatan keju.. So it's not hole but eyes..

As you know that, cheese is made from milk.. Saat susu diolah dan dimasak jadi keju, terjadi proses perluasan gas yang akhirnya bikin lubang pada permukaan keju yang sudah jadi..
So it's just about the reaction of gasses... Unintention event gituuu!

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