Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Fix broken things or starting over?

Ada pepatah mengatakan,

"Maybe it's not always about trying to fix broken things,
Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better"

Kita tahu bahwa bad things akan datang di saat yang disangka atau bahkan Surprisingly come to the life...

Yang agak repot, kalau datang tiba2, dan kita ga punya plan cadangan..

at least, setiap orang pasti pernah ngerasain yang namanya BROKEN MIND & HEART because unexpected things...

If we choose to fix broken things, it's like collecting every broken things  then we mend it, 
and one times the bad things come again to life,
those broken things are  gonna be.... more broken...

And maybe if we focus on starting over, not fix the broken things..
it means, just let it go, not trying to mend them...
it seems so simple,just go/run away...
 but to start over, needs courage.. The power of change..
the only negative risk is ... you'll become more, insecure or maybe avoiding...

To be continued...

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